Opening times, arrival times, drop off locations, insurance, other airports & more

Last weekend saw 55,000 passengers depart Dublin Airport daily, an indication of pre-pandemic times. This isn’t a once-off and these numbers are likely to be similar for the rest of the summer, as people seek out sunnier climates abroad.
Unfortunately, due to a number of staffing and logistical issues with both Dublin Airport and some airlines, people are experiencing ongoing problems with queuing and security, as well as missed and cancelled flights too.
The above is incredibly frustrating and disheartening for those looking forward to international travel and holidaying abroad again.
While certain things are out of our control, below is some advice that you might (or might not) find helpful:
1. Avoid Checking in Luggage
This won’t be feasible for everyone, especially in the instance of a family holiday, work travel or if you’re off on a travel adventure
However, if you’re going away for a week or so with a partner, pal or solo, pack light and make the most of your carry on luggage
In a few weeks, I’m heading away for two weeks and will NOT be checking in a bag – It’s not worth potentially missing a flight
When abroad, I can shop locally for things if I need them
2. Chose other airports
If you haven’t yet booked a holiday abroad, look at other airports in Ireland to depart from
Cork Airport serves 41 destinations including Faro, Venice, Paris and Malaga. See full summer schedule here
Shannon Airport serves 24 destinations including Corfu, Tenerife, New York and Paris. See full summer schedule here
Knock Airport serves 20 destinations including Milan, Faro, Alicante and London. See full summer schedule here
3. COVID-19
A surge in COVID-19 cases has had a knock-on effect on staffing issues across a number of sectors, including the aviation industry
Just recently Aer Lingus had to cancel flights last minute for destinations including Croatia, Amsterdam and London, due to staff shortages as a result of COVID-19 and air strikes
The distress felt by passengers must be awful, especially if travelling with a family or someone who has health issues
If you haven’t already booked a holiday or you’ve paid a deposit that is refundable, perhaps it might be best to consider a holiday in Ireland instead this summer?
Obviously, it’s all dependent on budget and other factors, but there are still staycation packages looking to be snapped up
4. Travel Insurance
Now more than ever opting for travel insurance is vital given the uncertainty of the aviation industry currently
Be smart and make sure you choose an insurer that has some form of COVID-19 cover
Read the fine print and assess the cover in terms of missed or cancelled flights, lost or stolen luggage, accommodation, as well as overseas medical and hospital expenses
5. Dublin Airport check-in/opening times
Passengers are being advised to arrive at the airport up to 2.5 hours before the departure of short-haul flights to Europe and the UK
The recommendation for long-haul passengers is up to 3.5 hours. Allow for an extra hour if you need to check-in luggage
Security in Terminal 1(T1) is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
While security in Terminal 2 (T2)is open at 04:00, so people flying from T2 should factor this in
Departures Road outside T1 is now closed to all vehicles, so passenger drop-off has moved to the Atrium Road