It can be daunting but the below might put you at ease

Travelling with a BABY can have its perks
Yes you read right. The best thing about travelling with a baby is you set the itinerary, they can’t argue with you or wonder off on an adventure. Obviously your baby will act up and have the mother of all tantrums but once they settle, they tend to be intrigued by their new surroundings. Of course it’s going to be daunting travelling with a baby, but chances are in a few years you’ll look back and think how easy it was before they started walking and talking!
Save money by travelling off-peak season
Given your child is a baby and you're not yet tied to a school schedule make the most of this time and travel outside of school holidays. Flight fares and hotels will be cheaper during non-peak travel periods which tend to be around school holidays. Make the most of this time before they hit school because it's then you’ll really be tied down to restricted holidays.
Find the family lane
If there is a family/special needs lane then use it if you have to – If you don’t know where it is, just ask a member of staff. Family lanes typically have more space for strollers and wheelchairs, and you get to cut a big part of the line, which is ideal. If you are travelling with a buggy, ensure it is completely emptied out as it will need to go through security.
Baby feeding rooms
Make use of the baby feeding rooms. The rooms offer additional comfort and privacy for parents travelling with babies. Not every airport will have them but it’s always worth asking. Dublin Airport has dedicated baby feeding rooms in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 which were recently added.
They are located beyond passenger security screening, beside the retail area in T2, and the food and beverage area in T1 – they have highchairs, comfortable vinyl seating, a microwave and a bottle warmer.
Take a spare change of clothes
Nope, I don’t mean just for the baby, I mean for you, the parent too. Babies are unpredictable and its likely you’ll get caught in the crossfire of reflux so have a spare outfit that’s easily accessible.
Book an aisle seat when flying
Make life easier for yourself and book an aisle seat in advance of your flight. You can easily leave your seat to pace up and down with your baby during the flight to soothe them. Another tip, if you’re flying long haul, book the bassinet well in advance as these can be quite limited on flights.
Tantrum Toys
Babies can be unpredictable in the most straightforward of scenarios and a tantrum can come out of nowhere. Make sure to have some toys at hand and make use of the kids’ packs on board, these are usually available on long-haul flights and are categorised for different age groups.